About Our Tours:

After a summer in Europe as a 15 year old exchange student, experiencing foreign countries became an opportunity I give myself as often as I can. Different histories, languages, social customs, and even foods teach me about our shared world and validate our humanity. 

For these tours I’ve combined locations with people who are truly special to spend time with in order to create experiences that I would want to have.  Artists in Tuscany, the Pleasure of Looking returns for the third time September 29 to October 6. We go below the touristy surface for unique encounters in the visual and culinary arts offered by trusted guides that I’ve come to know over many years.

 Plein Air Asturias will return for its seventh year, June 15-22, 2019. This program is a collaboration with Judy Colaneri from Spanish Steps with whom I've created past programs Plein Air Gascony and Plein Air Camino. My husband, Buzz, joins me for these tours. Like me, he values sharing the travel experience so that at the end of the week a group that came together independently departs with warm memories and friendships.

Join me for an intimate, more authentic European experience. Practice Plein Air techniques as you immerse yourself in the perfect artistic environment: a magnificent landscape, a unique culture, comfortable lodging, and a supportive community of artists.
— Mary Padgett, Artist